Perhaps I'll Play Through.
Still mulling over my next move as I get no joy at all (cold decked, looked-up and out-raced when not just fucked-over-harshly) at the tables.
I might just reload enough to let me keep trying to do what I know how to do without bankroll pressure. I don't have insane illusions that I am some dominant MTT force, but I do know I play a solid winning game. I just need to keep the ball in play during this rough stretch.
Is that just a rationalization? It feels truthful, but I will likely run things down to the wire keeping the idea of a reasonable sized reload open.
It's awesome to see the boyz tearing it up everywhere, and it's killing me to voluntarily take myself out of the hunt. Wish me luck either way brothas and sistahs, cause fuck knows I could use it at the felt.