Perhaps I'll Play Through.
Not much to say [what else is new?]
Still mulling over my next move as I get no joy at all (cold decked, looked-up and out-raced when not just fucked-over-harshly) at the tables.
I might just reload enough to let me keep trying to do what I know how to do without bankroll pressure. I don't have insane illusions that I am some dominant MTT force, but I do know I play a solid winning game. I just need to keep the ball in play during this rough stretch.
Is that just a rationalization? It feels truthful, but I will likely run things down to the wire keeping the idea of a reasonable sized reload open.
It's awesome to see the boyz tearing it up everywhere, and it's killing me to voluntarily take myself out of the hunt. Wish me luck either way brothas and sistahs, cause fuck knows I could use it at the felt.
Still mulling over my next move as I get no joy at all (cold decked, looked-up and out-raced when not just fucked-over-harshly) at the tables.
I might just reload enough to let me keep trying to do what I know how to do without bankroll pressure. I don't have insane illusions that I am some dominant MTT force, but I do know I play a solid winning game. I just need to keep the ball in play during this rough stretch.
Is that just a rationalization? It feels truthful, but I will likely run things down to the wire keeping the idea of a reasonable sized reload open.
It's awesome to see the boyz tearing it up everywhere, and it's killing me to voluntarily take myself out of the hunt. Wish me luck either way brothas and sistahs, cause fuck knows I could use it at the felt.
I might just reload enough to let me keep trying to do what I know how to do without bankroll pressure.
It sounds like you also need to back off on pressuring yourself to do as well as other people. If you hear yourself saying, "I should..." or something similar, then it's a problem.
Hang in there, brutha! I can't play much right now either (which is annoying as hell!), but we still have a lot of time left in our lives to play. No worries!
Sorry about the rough patch you're goin' through man. FWIW, it was fun playin' with you at the Hoy.
I went through a similar time about 6 months ago and backed away from NLHE for a bit. It made the poker playing much more fun because even if I lost, I was learning new games.
Just an idea...hope the turnaround comes soon for you.
Its hard to work for a living and "keep up with the Jones", when the "Jones" do this for work....
I feel your pain, hard to work, give the proper respect to family life, and have any sustained success at this.
Think back to your most successful run..and your job was back then?
Hey sista girl, you playing event 10 with fuel, that is what the hot rumor is. If so, then let it be so, and I shall join you two fonkeys, for a fonkey fest.
Ya gotta set your own goals man, we've chatted about this before many times. Comparing your performance to anyone else I think is not particularly useful, and lest of all like Eric said to people who not only have a lot more time than you to devote, but also a lot more pure interest in it, don't have to be up early in the morning, etc. Just play your game to get better and better and you will get back to your winning mtt ways.
Not that I could win a blonkament to save my life right now.
harsh times are harsh times, just play your game and it will come back yalayalablablabla.
you know the talk, but it's true. taking breaks is crucial. I really start to think about poker like sports, you have to step away from sports when you are training very hard and have your body adapt and relax.
it's the same with the poker tables. you play and play and sometimes you make things worse than better. it's like overtraining, no good and you start to decrease. just take some time off, drop the "working load" in other means limits, or stop to care if you win or lose. it's easier to beat yourself than to be beaten by others, sadly I just know this too good :/
anyways I wonder how I could slip by this blog so long and added you to my blogroll.
If you need a break, then dammit take a break! It's amazing how a weekend off, a week off, or even a month off can clear out the cobwebs and get you back in a frame of mind to actually focus on the game and your role in it (which should be winning, brotha). Wolf and BD got it right...don't worry so much about how others are doing; just worry about how you're running, whatever the level, whatever the game. And unless the Dept of Justice gets frisky, the game ain't going anywhere. Return when you're ready and we shall par-tay!
Thanx for all the good words, brotha. See ya out there.
thanks for the welcome =)
i've always enjoyed reading your blog and i hope that you can resurrect it here shortly.
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