Toronto and The Center-Seeking Force Part Zeroth.
101. A number that seems older than our ability to name it.
And yet this is just a quick promise-keeping missive from the road. So it goes...
Kudos to scurvydog for bouncing me from MATH. All blame to me, the credit is yours. Next time I will talk less and focus more. My frustration push with QJ on a Q high board was only going to get called by something that would be way, way ahead. On the other hand, I wasn’t impressed with that earlier river call holding kings. Not sure at all how you knew I didn’t connect with that flush/straight board that I smooth called the whole way then value bet at the end, but the inability to say goodbye to kings was rewarded. I think two months ago I get the fold. These days I have the damp reek of futility about me. Yeesh.
And how did your noble healer end up this frustrated? Earlier that night I played the 75er 19k, get down to the last 60 or so with a mid stack when I flop bottom set on a board with two diamonds and successfully OBFV (a trick it's fair to say that is solidly in the toolbox now, thanks 55). Forget how it ends, even a prom queen can see that one coming, but here’s what villain had to do to find his pot of gold. He had to call off his entire midstack on the flop. When he could well afford the fold. KJd. Didn’t even think twice. Then I listened to him call me a gambler. Needless to say had that worked out the way it should three out four times I am top 5 entering Day 4. These are the things that I would read about happening to you unwashed masses for months and months with sympathy but not empathy. Now it happens to me almost every time I fire up. Going on weeks now.
It will be very interesting to see if I end up having to reload (which I just might not do) or if salvation is around the corner. Naturally I now feel the self conscious need to cough, cough remind all that more than 10k has been withdrawn…etc etc…but I will overcome that need because I am a self-secure grownup.
Seriously I will be pretty sad if I can’t go to the well and come back with fresh water as I have whenever needed in the past year. This should be an interesting couple of months.
As to work, I finished two pacemaker generator changes and two consults before
Translation: I am having fun. A lot of it.
So how did I spend my unexpected half-day off? I decided to surprise the wife and kids and drove to
Was a bargain anyway I look at it. But the house can’t be built soon enough. Pictures of the work in progress to follow shortly.
Oh yeah. Ate Okay. Still no workout. LLFF wins again, but I will get him eventually. I always get what I want, I usually just have to sell part of my soul to get there.
I think I still have some left.
nuh uhhh.
As long as you're aware of our snickering.
It was a fairly bad call on my part, as far as the KK hand. Guilty as charged.
I think you need to raise (even just a min-raise) on the turn, though, if you really want to sell me on the fact that you've got something better than my overpair, instead of just smooth calling. That's what seemed fishy to me, and why I ultimately called your river bet, as any better made hand you held except for the nut flush (two pair or a set) should be worried about another club coming on the river to put a four flush on the board.
You just called, though, so when the river blanks, I check, and you make a "value" bet, well, either I'm crushed by a nut flush/near nut flush, or my hand is likely good. Odds are you don't have a flush. You also could have played any hand with a 10 and a big club the same way, as far as all the calling and the river bet when checked to. You were in the BB but you called a decent-sized raise preflop, so it's hard for me to put you on a junky two pair hand.
Which is a lot of babbling and rationalizing for what's admittedly probably not a good call a majority of the time, given all the smooth calling.
I dare say its time to bring out the gimp.
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