I go deep, and in doing so find [stack]size does indeed mattah...
EDIT: First off congrats to brdweb for a stunning fucking run. Top 40 for a payday upwards of 3k. Interestingly he went out on a hand very similar to the one I did - pushing 55 into preflop raised 99. Just did it about 100 spots higher on the list is all... GREAT WORK.
Gotta say: big fan of playing with tha boyz around.
Also gotta say: I am definitely happy with how I am approaching the game these days. Good preparation and not back on my heels [too often].
Three big hands:
1. I fold AK with two in ahead of me. Many thanks to the Gnome for finding this for me.
FullTiltPoker Game #1826802853: FTOPS Main Event (11292501), Table 68 -
Blinds: 1000/2000 Ante 250
Seat 1: yoelev11 (61,927)
Seat 2: PAINLESS198 (165,752)----look at that fucking stack!
Seat 3: Fear The Frog (15,202)
Seat 4: B4DataLore (53,142)
Seat 5: pickle312 (10,686)
Seat 6: __SnaaakeV__ (19,438)
Seat 7: imthepilot (67,034)
Seat 8: Iakaris (33,549) with A Ko ----- your hero [and mine] ON THA BUTTON, BOYEEE.
Seat 9: direktr (78,983)
Everyone Antes
direktr posts the small blind of 1,000 yoelev11 posts the big blind of 2,000
PAINLESS198 raises to 10,000
Fear The Frog folds
B4DataLore folds
painlesspickle312 folds
__SnaaakeV__ folds
imthepilot raises to 66,784, and is all in [BASTARD! THAT WAS MY MOVE!!!]
Long painful deliberation here. My sense is one of these guys has at least one of my outs.
Iakaris has 15 seconds left to act
Doesn't feel like the best I can do...
Iakaris folds
direktr folds
yoelev11 folds
PAINLESS198: kk? Usual bullshit or does this narrow his range in retrospect?
PAINLESS198 has 15 seconds left to act
PAINLESS198 folds
imthepilot wins the pot (25,250)
Thoughts? It hurt, but it felt like a good move.
2. I push AQd in BB with two in ahead of me - and double nicely when KJd who had reraised from the SB in a fairly straightforward resteal attempt decides to take it all the way home. I felt much better with two in this action than I did on the button with AKo i the first hand.
3. I bust resteal-pushing with an M of 10ish holding 44 when the button calls with 99 and the stack to go with it. Don't hate his play, uncertain of mine... still feels strong. Thoughts?
No suckouts for or against.
No complaints. Kudos to FT (I love FT and FT loves me - NOT a paid endorsement) for a truly awesome structure.
137th out of 3217.
By the time I busted, I realized I was mentally expecting to go all the way. I'm sure a cold deck for a couple of weeks will kill this mindset, but just love where my head's at right now.
Believe I've paid mah boyz up...lemme know if there's an issue.
Bastante por ahora.
Nice run, Doc.
You are the MTT master, praise to thee.
Nice run, seems when i left, so did your luck, there goes the curse, dead once and for all.
Once again, congrats, it was an awewome run through a pretty tough table (sucks having monster stack 2 to your left).
Nice job Iak.
Excellent run man. It was a pleasure watching you and I move up and down in chips but staying above the fray. And I think your push is fine. That was how I went out as well. My thoughts were that the big stack raiser was stealing or maybe had a small A, and the caller did not have a pair or big A as he would have pushed. So in went my chips with 55 against 99 from the original raiser.
PS I've finally put the poker portion of my blog back up so if you could update your link to http://www.brdweb.com/poker then everybody can read my stupid live-blogging of the ME :)
very nice Iak.
Nice job again Iak.
dude u still owe me .50 cents...cheap skate. Just kidding great run man...
very nice job.
as usual, you pwn. nice job iak
Pauly - congrats on the Big Game, me next...
brd - link fixed - love yer main site btw...was pimpin it to tha boyz in the girly chat
mookie - nice to see ya brotha...there was a guy named mookie mcmookster dominatin for a lonnnnnng time...cousin?
E, mike, Mitch, Rav, smokkee and trip: Tx boyz...one of the highlights of the night was Eric calling Clonie Gowen CLOWIE a couple of times before she got real pissed at him...too funny.
Nicely done, Iak. And I def. agree with the AK fold. Unless you tagged the reraiser as a hyper aggressive ass hat, he probably did have one or more of your outs. If you were short stacked, or they were, then I might see calling. Beyond that, raise and shove? All you had was ace-high. Nice play amigo. Way to give us fonkeys some inspiration!
Well done! It is not everyday that I have the possibility to see something like this
Yes, it's impressive
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