Invitation to a Gunfighter...aka Big Game Sunday...aka A Kinder Gentler Callout
Just a quick reminder that this is Big Game Sunday coming up. We have only have five on board so far, which is a little concerning because we had a bigger head of steam going last time. I’d really like this baby to keep increasing, but as long as it’s offered, I will be there.
And yes, I understand the slow enrollment.
I blame myself entirely. After bearing witness to the utter devastation I wreaked last time none of you want to knowingly donate 69 bucks to my coffers. (heh – 69 - heh)
CMON! Baby needs new shoes. Manolos!
In other words, bring it biotches. As in, yer best game to the best blogger MTT structure out there. Full ring, deep stacks, against guys most of you have encyclopedias of notes on, and a payday that you will log with pride as a few hours reasonably well spent.
Oh and yeah - I formally promise not to openly (or obliquely) accuse anyone who finishes higher than me of nefarious doings of any sort. This time I mean it.
All of you who finish below me are fair game. Donkeys.
So like I said – BIG GAME SUNDAY. All the cool kids (New, Old & The Nebulously UnDesignated) will be there. At least I hope so. If you’re looking for the tourney, just search for me.
Hdouble – I formally extend an invite. Password is Donkey. Since you're a blogger again, you may as well start acting like one. Good times, good times…
And yes, I understand the slow enrollment.
I blame myself entirely. After bearing witness to the utter devastation I wreaked last time none of you want to knowingly donate 69 bucks to my coffers. (heh – 69 - heh)
CMON! Baby needs new shoes. Manolos!
In other words, bring it biotches. As in, yer best game to the best blogger MTT structure out there. Full ring, deep stacks, against guys most of you have encyclopedias of notes on, and a payday that you will log with pride as a few hours reasonably well spent.
Oh and yeah - I formally promise not to openly (or obliquely) accuse anyone who finishes higher than me of nefarious doings of any sort. This time I mean it.
All of you who finish below me are fair game. Donkeys.
So like I said – BIG GAME SUNDAY. All the cool kids (New, Old & The Nebulously UnDesignated) will be there. At least I hope so. If you’re looking for the tourney, just search for me.
Hdouble – I formally extend an invite. Password is Donkey. Since you're a blogger again, you may as well start acting like one. Good times, good times…
game on if i'm home in time.
i'm not sure if hdouble can play at Full Tilt...
i'm going to try and win my token today...
Engaging in high-priority peep token acquisition. Nice job getting to the final table in the 25K, sir.
hey man congrads on ur final table a little while ago got a test on monday so just been hitting the books, hope things are going good on ur end and i'll bet on u to take down the BIG game tourney tomorrow night....
Hank can play on FT, unless he moved to a different department...
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