In transition...aka Leaving the Primordial Soup...aka Tidying Up, 'cause we're having company!
So this will mark a turning point in the blog. And to mark this point I am urinating on the monitor.
It’s Potpourri Day at Flights: wherein I try to put down some stuff that’s been rumbling around in my head for a little while. There's no more association between these ideas than that they share some cortical highway lanes. Nonetheless, they requested an airing, and I have time before the 5k, so why not.
After said musings, for any of you who might be wondering if this little run has gotten me thinking I’m the shit, I'll share a little bankroll analysis. That should cure all of us [me, most hopefully] of any such delusions.
Despite having reached, actually exceeded, any goals I ever had for myself as a player back in December, I am still making very poor decisions with deep-seated psychological roots. Nihilism, masochism and boredom are a cocktail that should be had in moderation if at all, yet even during this rush, perhaps moreso because of this rush, I have found occasion to drink deep and drink often. It’s a hope for me that laying out my stupidity will force me to curb it somewhat.
Lastly, I’ll try to chart a new path for myself, stealing a page out of the guy whose book I shamelessly rip off at the drop of a hat, and come up with a goal or two for the MWGB to get to work on next.
On with the verbose, umbilico-centric ramblings...
- I have apparently been banned from commenting on Absinthetics, for cause unknown. Three different posts I’ve tried to add my two cents only to have my witticisms and praise eaten unceremoniously. Now this bugs me a little, since commenting is how I actually got into blogging, and I spend some time composing my thoughts therein. If you’re curious, some of my best stuff can be found here, where I am currently still atop the TLB. The stuff I came out with before he shut down his blog and moved it was even better, but is now lost to the void forevah. T’is a shame. I am a reader before a writer, and since I know that it takes time to craft stories worth reading or give advice worth heeding, I like to provide those authors with feedback. Yeah, we all know you’re in the Main Event, and I am gonna have to wait to have this grievance fixed. I can live with that. Godspeed, Maestro, and I promise when I am in Vegas to lower my voice, keep eyes down and a respectful distance from you at all times.
- I have decided to merge my two blogs. I only had two in the first place because the people who I wrote The Parkview for (family mostly) would have no interest in the poker stuff. Thus came Flights, a place I could point out I am a fucking retard and lost $1240 learning how to play poker (more on this later), without having to worry about what Mom & Dad would say when next I ventured home. Well it turned out, no one in my family reads my other blog. Ingrates! That shit is good (if, albeit a little repetitive). So why even have two? Why indeed. I guess I hesitated because this is a poker blog, and I didn’t want to gum it up with needless non-poker bullshit. Then I spent a day actually reading this mess. There’s barely any poker in here to begin with. Yeah, I just figured that out…So from now on, I am now going to post all about my other life here too, just to keep things simple. I’d do what some do and post warnings like: Limited Poker Content Ahead, but that’s unnecessary, because if you read this thing, then you know that a priori. What’s that? I do post warnings like that all the time? Well…consider me cured of that habit. Let me state it once and for the record: Flights of Iakaris = Limited Poker Content Ahead. Damn…that would make a great name for a poker blog. Limited Poker Content Ahead. Anyone who wants it, feel free. Yep, I’m a giver.
- I am deeply appreciative of all the help I’ve received, and even moreso all the good wishes I’ve received from all you degenerates. Hope everyone knows that. For anyone silently thinking I am an undeserving and lucky fuck to have stumbled into a modicum of success without paying my dues…I agree. Except about the dues part. $1240 in donations is steep if you ask me. Anyone with half a brain would have gone back to chess or porn before now. Fortune apparently favors the obstinate.
- I am at a loss to understand drraz’ dominance of MATH. He’s good, no doubt, but how can one guy show up every week in a tournament full of playah’s and just pick up his check like clockwork. MD’s reprahsentin’!
- My newest coach, Felicia, has agreed to mentor me to a WSOP Bracelet in Stud if I will read a book with an acronym that escapes me. I went to Border’s yesterday and couldn’t find it, or any other book on stud in the poker section. Should this concern me? Anyone got a copy they want to loan me? If so, email me and I’ll arrange transport. I’ll need it for about 3 weeks, then will promptly send it back with a thoughtful thank-you note and some chocolates. [Iakaris = Class Act, through and through]
- I just pulled off a move I learned from Hoy (ten minutes ago in the 5K guaranteed). I caught AA in the BB and the cutoff min-raised me. I min-raised him back to make it look like a cheapo resteal - basically kept it in reach of him and right on cue he came way over top to punish me. There went his stack. Hoy demonstrated this exact move in screenshots a while back and as I looked at those bullets I knew just what I wanted to do to get his chips in the middle. Screenshots are the fyoochah of poker teaching – yeah, yeah they take a while to load, who gives a shit? They’re worth the wait. Hoy, I fucking man-love your blog. You know that of course, but I like stating it for the record. Keep on keepin’ on, brotha. As I sit here 11th/248 with 64 remaining and 27 paying, I want everyone to be clear how much I’ve benefited from finding your site. Of course if I totally botch this and finish OTM, I got no one to blame but my own idiot self. [Edit: I finished third. Number 2 was a short stack that God Himself took a serious shine too, and it was not to be for me. That's FT final table number 4, and cash number 5 = too fucking weird for words.]
- A note on my site layout. I know shit about computers. Ask Trip. I think he has to keep from laughing out loud about some of the stuff I’ve asked him about. Fluxer too has had to carefully word his responses to me to keep from revealing just how dumb I sound. Appreciated, gents. But here’s my point. I have a couple of problems I could use some help on. Now usually I ask for help on hands or such, and people sidestep them completely, not wanting to hurt my feelings by clarifying my numerous mistakes. But this time I mean I really want your help. I don’t know how to get things into the right side bar. That’s the reason there is no ForPeyton logo, or ccexplore or MATH…any of that stuff. So if anyone was curious why I don’t support charity or my friends, it’s cause I don’t get computahs much. Secondly, I’d really like to free up the left sided border to let me ramble on even longer. Like Veneno’s page. Anyone know how? Anyone, anyone?
What’s that? This has run on too long? Stop immediately? Fine.
Next Up: Bankrolls and Fyoochah Goals. Then: A Girl Named Mel.
FYI: I will be in Vegas Aug8th through Aug11th. Had a blast meeting everyone last time. Anyone who will be around who wants to grab drinks with me...just email or something.